About Us

The Idea

It all started one night with five roommates trying to figure out what to watch. We decided that the best way to do this was to each pick a movie, and then vote on them. The voting process was filled with yelling and accusations of cheating, and we thought that there must be a better way to do this. 

Well, as it turns out, there was no better way. Democracy has worked for years, why try to reinvent the wheel? 

But the next day, we decided to make a list of movies we wanted to watch, and each time we wanted to watch a movie we would choose from that list. Hours later we had a list, separated by genre, thumbtacked to our wall on fluorescent index cards. And we thought, "If we're going to watch all these movies, why not review them? And if we're going to review them, why not make a blog so that the entire world can bask in the glory of our movie reviews." And so, After The Credits was born.

The idea is simple: we watch a movie, each of us rates it on a scale of 1-10 and gives a rationale. A recipe for success. 

The Roommates

Reviewer Name: St. Kunta the Pious

Real Name: Kevin Toro
Role: Co-Head Critic; Director of Afro-Hispanic Relations in Rubenstein C36
Hobbies: Anime, Blogging, Poetry, People Watching, Piano, and Basketball
Favorite Movie Genre: Drama
Favorite Movie: It's A Wonderful Life
Favorite Movie Quote: "You just got stuffed!" -Thankskilling

Reviewer Name: Sam (I don't hide behind fake names)

Real Name: Sam (that's all I'm giving you, I'm scared of this interweb thing)
Role: Critic, Webmaster/Communications Director
Hobbies: Playing and Watching Sports, Getting Lost in the Woods. Oh, and watching movies, that's kinda the whole point, right?
Favorite Movie Genre: Drama
Favorite Movie: Changes by the day
Favorite Movie Quote: "What's in the box?!?!?!" - Se7en

Reviewer Name: El Mapache Marylandino

Real Name: Benjamin
Role: Intentionally blank
Hobbies: Sports, Music, Movies, and Math
Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy
Favorite Movie: Dodgeball
Favorite Movie Quote: "I know you. You know you. And I know you know that I know you." - White Goodman

Reviewer Name: Common Plebeian (Большая Кошка)
Real Name: Brian
Role: Chief Justice of this blog's Judicial Branch, East European and Asian Liaison
Hobbies: Including but not limited to: Running, Swimming, Volleyball, Soccer, Geology, Mathematics, and Food
Favorite Movie Genre: Thriller
Favorite Movie: Cast Away
Favorite Movie Quote: "Intelligence. Nothing has caused the human race so much trouble as intelligence." -Stella (Rear Window)

Other Contributors

Reviewer Name: Rufio

Real Name: Raffi
Role: Co-Head Critic
Hobbies: Sports (especially basketball) and Reading
Favorite Movie Genre: Comedy
Favorite Movie: Billy Madison and Coach Carter
Favorite Movie Quote: "Actually, I was on the bottom, coach, she was on the top." - Coach Carter

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."
                    Charlie Chaplin

Reviewer Name: Citizen Can

Real Name: Can "John"
Role: Honorable Guest Presiding
Hobbies: Pina coladas, getting lost in the rain, not into yoga... wait a minute...
Favorite Movie Genre: Drama
Favorite Movie: 3 idiots
Favorite Movie Quote: "Aal izz well" -3 idiots (All is well)

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